Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Amateur Ape at Trike Night

Last night after beginning in a classy Old-English-Strawberry-Andre-Miller-Lite-way we all went to Trike Night at the Dark Horse in Boulder. It was super fun watching peeps riding around on an adult-sized big wheel drinking a shot and slamming a beer. Everyone was just sloshed and would cruise on the straight aways but cut the corners to short and snag their wheel. HILARIOUS!

B$ and Ginger were a team and showed their skills. We are thinking about bringing a 'trike' to our shows from here on out. WORD.

End of the night freestyle was fresh as well. Mr. Sleeps you rock!

Big ups to Ginger and Mr. Sleeps for hitting the Dark Horse with us.

Amateur Ape Loves You!

Iz & B-Money

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